Going global...

September 12, 2012
And I'm off...7 months around the world, amongst other adventures I plan to keep an eye on the horsey world around me and be considerably better about blogging about it! For ease my blog has been transfered to the following address where you can follow by email and enjoy our travels with us.

Please visit rosiejoneshorses.wordpress.com and let me know what you think!

Under pressure...

May 22, 2012

Last Friday I completed my social anthropology degree! The last year has been pretty hard work, balancing home visits, teaching and studying, but finally, it's over and life can return to normal. My dissertation explored the way horse/human interactions are studied within anthropology and behavioural sciences, so it's been fascinating, but pretty hard work. Harvey clearly realised his early retirement was coming to an end (he's had 6 weeks off due to dissertation madness) and so promptly de...

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Home stretch

February 20, 2012

I am so sorry. Time has flown and I don't think I had any idea that it has been 5 months since my last post. Those of you reading between the lines will know that I am now in my final year at Sussex University. Going to university was the right choice and I have loved it. However it's coming up to my final term and it turns out Han was right, it's really hard work! Luckily I am writing my dissertation on how people construct their knowledge on animal behaviour so it's fascinating stuff! It...

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Mount Terrible

October 7, 2011
This month I can hardly blog about anything except mounting problems since I have seen so many of them! Still its quite nice to focus on one specific issue and recognise the number of different approaches necessary in order to meet each horse and owners needs.

So, firstly this month we had Chester, 15.1 bright chestnut cobby type of chap who had come from Ireland and was a little worried about life. His lovely 15 years old owner was a little worried by him, and so he was worried that she wa...

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Brain-Ache and Babies

September 14, 2011

The brainache section of this blog is all about a rather big decision I have made- not to ride on the upcoming Monty Roberts UK tour. “Madness!” I hear you shout! It certainly was my dream for a very long time to be a tour rider for Monty, my riding idols for years were Dan Wilson and Grant Bazin (the names will be familiar to old Monty fans!) who seemed to be able to get on, and stay on, anything in demo's. And it really has been a highlight of my career so far, and something I am ve...

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Mountains and Molehills...

August 4, 2011
* I have been trying to enlarge the font on my blog as I know it can be a little squinty. The computer is not cooperating at the moment though so do zoom in (usually under page on your top menu) if you are struggling! We are working to improve the website as soon as possible! 

Sometimes I like to feel like my blogs have wonderful hidden meanings or central themes of discussion - this one, however, really is just an update of what's been happening in my world!

I had a wonderful time in Wales ...

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Lets talk about stress...

June 22, 2011
Well this is a bit of a mammoth blog since I haven't written for so long!
This months events have got me thinking about stress levels in horse and rider, and particularly, how much stress is OK? How stressful should horse owning (or human carrying) be?
Of course the easy answer is - 'Not Stressful At All' but two events have got me wondering if that really is true.
Firstly, there are the boys. Jim's yard has recently been frequented by two handsome young suitors who pop in from next door and tit...
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In tearing haste...

May 31, 2011
Adjusting to the real world post tour is never an easy thing. Especially when the tour was such a good one and when there are exams looming and essays to write! I am being good though- in fact I am dictating this to my other half as I rifle through readings on kinship. I have so much to write about, the highlight of course being Kellys May Masterclass which really stood out to me as a particularly special tour. However it will have to wait so please bare with me and check back next week when ...
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update on the Solland Babies

April 28, 2011

This is less of a real blog and more of a bit of photo fest, sorry that I don't seem to be able to get them to go in the right order, or in any order at all actually.
So, the challenge of this blog is to spot which phot matches which description!!
1) Here is Cardinal being a brave lad and really enjoying his loose jumping. We used a bit of loose work round the arena to see if it helped him settle and relax, having moved a bit. It did, and he really remembered the head lowering exercise from y...

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Making practical progress

April 27, 2011

Well, I have been struggling with how (or even if) I should write this blog. I wanted this blog to be entirely honest and open, in the spirit of creating an educational resource, an entertaining read, and most importantly an offloading device for the many thoughts and ideas that can tangle about in my head. I also want to be positive, and professional about other horsepeople, I really see no benefit in critising other succesful horsepeople who probably have plenty to offer. But it seems that ...

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Picture above used with kind permission of Simon Walker. 

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